Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Completely Overrated Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara

As I’m the sort of person who hates to not use stuff up completely before throwing them out, one of the things I kinda regret buying is the Maybelline Great Lash waterproof mascara.

As I have sensitive eyes that run easily, I always have to buy my mascara in waterproof formula – also as I have stumpy lashes that go straight down that is typical of most Chinese, the waterproof formulas are the types that tend to smudge with me the least.

I also sometimes use the tip I learnt that one of the reasons mascara smudges as much as it does is due to the oils on your eyelids – so I tend to put skin coloured powder under my eyes.

So this particular mascara is one of the most overrated products that I’ve ever bought. I’m starting to be convinced that magazine make-up reviewers are bribed in some way by the company to rave about certain products as this one is definitely NOT as good as it’s purported to be.

Although it does slightly thicken my lashes, there is no particular lengthening effect. BUT this SMUDGES insanely within one hour of use I found smudges under my eyes, so I have to consistently swipe my finger under my eyes whenever I wear it.

This includes when I wear some of the Clarins Double Fix Mascara over it, and the Clarins stuff is awesome as it really works. The worst part is that the Great Lash also gets into the ‘mascara fix’ so it ruins wots in the tube by mixing with the product and getting it all black – and this includes when I wipe both wands after use.

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